On Demand Citrix Nerds consulting services 24 hours a day!
Phone: 1-800-905-0005
If you need immediate support for your Citrix environment, we can help you no matter where you are.
We have top level engineers available to respond to emergencies around the clock.
Citrix product support to fix problems quickly and ensure continued reliable operation.
Microsoft publically released Windows 10 Enterprise Multi Session on September 30, 2019 and our engineers had it working in production via Citrix Cloud the same day. Windows Virtual Desktop delivers simplified management, a multi-session Windows 10 experience and optimizations for Office 365 ProPlus. With Windows Virtual Desktop and Citrix Cloud, you can deploy and scale your Windows desktops and apps on Azure in minutes. Azure design and Citrix integration can be a rather complex undertaking when trying to figure out network configurations, Active Directory, Cloud Connectivity and machine resource provisioning. Our experts can handle everything from start to finish with very reasonable onboarding costs and a monthly service expense. Citrix Cloud requires a one year commitment and a minimum of 25 users typically costing between $20-$25 each monthly. Azure D2s_v3 servers provide the necessary resources to establish connectivity wtih Citrix Cloud or Azure hosted Windows Domain controllers, with an option to link on premises Active Directory services. Some of our customers realize instant ROI by moving completely to the cloud. Schedule a demo to see it actually working and then consider a POC for your organization. Industry Trends Estimated there were 27 Million Remote Home Office Employees in 2015
According to market research in 2015 there were over 27 million employees accessing business resources from a home office. With growing demand for remote workers to be able to work anytime from anywhere, Citrix based technologies can ensure reliable and dependable solutions. Starting in the 1990s Citrix released Windows Server hosted applications with their products named Metaframe, Presentation Server and XenApp. June 2013 saw the release of XenDesktop 7 which not only delivers virtual Windows desktops, but now also incorporates application delivery from Windows based servers, including Windows Server 2012 and currently 2016. XenDesktop 7 also supports Windows 7 and Windows 10 desktops and tablets; such as iPad and Android devices. Citrix dominates the market and is the most supported product to enable remote access from any device. Figuring out how it all works together for someone that doesn't work with it regularly can be a somewhat daunting task. This is why Citrix Nerds is proud to offer Professional Build Services, where an expert does the work to ensure it'll function flawlessly from the start.
XenDesktop 7.15 LTSR - Professional Build Services $1000
If you are an IT professional that would like deploy XenDesktop or upgrade from XenApp to XenDesktop for
either Windows Server hosted applications and/or desktops or Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 virtual desktops
then you've come to the right place.
For about the cost of a days consulting services and some re-purposed hardware that you already own or new
hardware that hasn't been unboxed yet, the core infrastucture can be built and used in the same day.
System requirements are a Windows 2008 R2 Server or Windows 2012 R2 Server that's joined to a domain to
function as a XenDesktop controller.
A basic machine with 50gb disk storage, 8gb+ RAM and dual CPU cores is sufficient.
The next decision is if you want to deploy a server hosted system or virtual workstations.
For server based, just build a vanilla 2008 R2 or 2012 R2 server, join it to the domain and install all Windows updates.
For virtual workstations, just build a vanilla Windows 7 or Windows 8.x or Windows 10 machine, join it to the domain and install all Windows updates.
Machines can be physcial or on a hypervisor such as VMware, XenServer or Hyper-V.
A 10 user trial license will be used for the build that's good for 30 days and since most likely remote access outside your LAN/WAN
will be required then a 90 day Netscaler trial license will be used and we'll supply SSL certificates for the Netscaler and Storefront server.
Enjoy the benefits of getting a new office up and running quickly, centralized desktop management and universal
client access from anywhere using any type of device.
VDI can reduce barriers to attracting talent since it enables virtual work styles.
What used to be called Remote Access is now Cloud Computing and with not too much work
your organization can have it's resources configured to be available online and working in the Cloud.
XenApp 6.5 - Professional Build Services $500
XenApp 6.5 was released on the 24th of August 2011 and has proven to be an extremely reliable product on Windows Server 2008 R2.
Unlike it's predecessor, it works out of the box without applying any hotfixes.
Citrix Nerds has built hundreds of XenApp 6.5 servers since it's release and continues to do so.
XenApp 6.5 will still work as an all-in-one product on a single server, that's not even required to be part of
a Microsoft Active Directory domain.
Our build process is typically completed in two hours.
XenApp 6.5 comes with a feature called the Windows 7 Desktop Experience which makes the server desktop look
like a Windows 7 desktop, so users don't get confused by the unfamiliar icons next to the start button.
XenApp 6.5 works beautiful with Web Interface 5.4 and the free Citrix Secure Gateway 3.3.4.
Server hosted applications and desktops can be accessed from Windows, Mac, iPad, iPhone and Android devices.
All traffic is encapsulated via SSL on port 443.
HDX gives you an almost local Flash animation experience on remote devices, so corporate training Flash video's
can be used directly with Citrix.
Netscaler Integration with Web Interface or Storefront for XenApp and/or Xendesktop $500
Citrix has phased out the free Citrix Secure Gateway and has replaced it with the Netscaler gateway.
In about two hours Citrix Nerds can deploy a Netscaler gateway in your environment and configure it to work with either
Web Interface 5.4 or Storefront 3.x and your XenApp and/or XenDesktop environment.
If you don't have it yet, we'll log in to the Citrix portal to download an 12.x Virtual Appliance, deploy it on
your hypervisor (VMware, XenServer or Hyper-V) and configure the necessary network settings.
In advance of a Citrix Nerds engineer performing the work, please have three LAN IP Addresses reserved, a Public
DNS entry for something like citrix.mycorp.com and minimally TCP port 443 open in the firewall and NAT'd to one
of the Internal LAN IP's.
We'll go ahead and purchase an SSL certificate for your FQDN good for 2 years and install it on your Netscaler.
If you have an existing physical Netscaler appliance running an older version of the firmware that still requires
Java, the first thing we'll do is upgrade it to the 11.x or 12.x firmware using a pretty awesome command line.
We'll set up the basic configuration of your Netscaler to work with either Web Interface 5.4 or Storefront 3.x along
with support for iPhone and iPad mobile devices.
Want to do away with having to install Citrix Receiver clients on users machines?
Storefront and Netscaler support a clientless HTML5 Citrix Receiver eliminating the need to install client software.
Let a professional that works with Netscaler's all the time do the work for you, so it's done right the first time
and there's no guessing involved.
Premium Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Premium Support contract costs $4995 annually and includes 25 hours of labor, with a 4 hour service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed at a discounted rate of $125 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on the standard 800 support number that will route their call to a premium support engineer.
This contract is available for organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement.
Enterprise Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Enterprise Support contract costs $24,995 annually or $2000 monthly with a one year commitment after a $995 startup cost and includes 100 hours of labor,
with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Reasonably priced at a cost of under $70 per day.
Unlike typical break/fix support contracts, this contract also includes design and build services so you can add additional infrastructure or create new/upgraded infrastructure.
Additional labor is billed monthly at a discounted rate of $150 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on a special 800 support number that will route their call to an enterprise class level support engineer.
This contract is available for organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement and want the highest reliability possible.
Enterprise customers receive a complimentary annual technology review and briefing targeted at senior engineers and managers,
highlighting industry trends for the adoption and implementation of new technology best suited to their business requirements.
Supported Products are Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.x, Netscaler, Storefront, Provisioning Server (PVS), Machine Creation Services (MCS),
VDI with Windows 7, 8 & 10, Server Hosted VDI on Windows 2008 R2 & 2012 R2, License Server, XenDesktop Director, EdgeSight.
Legacy support for XenApp 6.5, 6.0, 5.0, Presentation Server 4.5, 4.0, 3.0, Metaframe XP, Web Interface 5.4, Citrix Secure Gateway (CSG & CAG) and Citrix XenApp Fundamentals
running on Windows Server 2003 R2 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
This contract is available at a discount for resale to IT services firms that want market it to their customers as a service they offer.
IT Services Firm Subscription
The Citrix Nerds IT Services Firm annual subscription service costs $500 and is designed for Information Technology services firms that want to have discounted flat rate billing
24 hours a day, nights, weekends and holidays to supplement their in-house Citrix skills without paying for a fulltime Citrix expert.
Healthcare Premium Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Healthcare Premium Support contract costs $7995 annually and includes 25 hours of labor, with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed at a discounted rate of $125 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on the standard 800 support number that will route their call to a premium support engineer specializing in healthcare.
This contract is available for healthcare organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement
and want the added touch of working with someone with a healthcare background and familiar with HIPAA requirements.
Accounting Premium Enhanced Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Accounting Premium Enhanced Support contract costs $12,995 annually and includes 50 hours of labor, with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed at a discounted rate of $150 per hour.
Enhanced services include assistance with installation of accounting applications, such as Lacerte, CCH, SurePrep, Quicken and others commonly used by accounting firms.
Accounting firms commonly pay $20,000 or more annually for the current years software subscription, so it makes sense to add on specialized support services so your staff
can work remotely during the busy tax season.
Offices with 10 or more users can benefit greatly with this reasonably priced enchanced support contract.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on the standard 800 support number that will route their call to a premium support engineer specializing in accounting.
This contract is available for accounting organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement
and want the added touch of working with someone with an accounting applications background and familiar with their special requirements.
ProLaw Cloud Hosting & Remote Access Law Firm Premium Enhanced Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Law Firm Premium Enhanced Support contract costs $17,995 annually and includes 50 hours of labor, with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed at a discounted rate of $150 per hour.
Enhanced services include assistance with the installation of ProLaw to a cloud based sytem or migration from an existing in-house ProLaw system to one that's remotely accessible.
Applications such as Sage Timeslips and others commonly used by law firms are also supported.
Additionally, you can also connect directly to your desktop remotely using Citrix XenDesktop.
Keeping track of billable hours and having all client related items in a single and easily accessible location, whether in the office or out of the office
let's your staff focus on profitablity for the firm.
Enabling your staff to work remotely can be an advantage during crunch time and get nessessary work preparation done from the convenience of home.
Offices with 10-50 users can benefit greatly with this reasonably priced enchanced support contract.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on the standard 800 support number that will route their call to a premium support engineer specializing in legal services.
This contract is available for law firms that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement
and want the added touch of working with someone with a legal applications background and familiar with their special requirements.
Legacy Systems Enterprise Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Legacy Systems Enterprise Support Contract costs $24,995 annually or $2000 monthly with a one year commitment after a $995 startup cost and includes 100 hours of labor,
with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed monthly at a discounted rate of $150 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on a special 800 support number that will route their call to a legacy systems enterprise class level support engineer.
A significant annual investment is made to keep our legacy systems engineers technologically proficient with older and obsolete systems in use by customers.
Some customers are still happily live with Windows 2003 R2 and Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 utilizing our support services, which basically no one else in the industry
is willing to provide.
Costs for legacy systems support by Citrix Nerds for products still available for extended support from Citrix is 1/10th or less their cost.
If possible, some frontend legacy infrastructure will be upgraded to be accessible from newer client devices requiring SSL SHA256 and current Citrix Receiver software.
This contract is available for organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement and want the highest reliability possible.
Legacy support for XenApp 6.5, 6.0, 5.0, Presentation Server 4.5, 4.0, 3.0, Metaframe XP, Web Interface 5.4, Citrix Secure Gateway (CSG, CAG & Netscaler) and Citrix XenApp Fundamentals
running on Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Construction Enterprise Deluxe Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Construction Enterprise Deluxe Support contract costs $49,995 annually or $4000 monthly with a one year commitment after a $1,995 startup cost and includes 100 hours of labor,
with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Reasonably priced at a cost of under $140 per day or less than $6 per hour annually, which compared to downtime costs during a major project is virtually nothing.
This Deluxe support contract is tailored specifically for Construction companies with some remote users working directly from job sites rebuilding infrastructure
such as highways, bridges and tunnels or building new infrastruture.
Some of these areas may not have high speed cellular data services available or even require satellite access, making support more challenging than normal home office users.
This contract also includes assisting with the entire Citrix infrastructure design and build, possibly utilizing a CoLocation provider with a half rack or more of servers.
Additional labor is billed monthly at a discounted rate of $250 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on a special 800 support number that will route their call to an enterprise class level support engineer.
Direct engineer access is also available via Iridium Satellite phone, Secure Voice & Messaging using Signal or WhatsApp.
This contract is available for organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement and want the highest reliability possible.
Supported Products are Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.x, Netscaler, Storefront, Provisioning Server (PVS), Machine Creation Services (MCS),
VDI with Windows 7, 8 & 10, Server Hosted VDI on Windows 2008 R2 & 2012 R2, License Server, XenDesktop Director, EdgeSight.
Legacy support for XenApp 6.5, 6.0, 5.0, Presentation Server 4.5, 4.0, 3.0, Metaframe XP, Web Interface 5.4, Citrix Secure Gateway (CSG & CAG) and Citrix XenApp Fundamentals
running on Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Education K12 Premium Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Education K12 Premium Support contract costs $4995 annually and includes 25 hours of labor, with a 4 hour service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed at a discounted rate of $125 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on the standard 800 support number that will route their call to a premium support engineer specializing in K12 education.
This contract is available for K12 educational organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement
and prefer working with someone with an understanding of K12 specific requirements.
XenApp 6.5 Extended Support Contract After End of Life
The Citrix Nerds XenApp 6.5 Extended Support contract is for organizations which intend to continue to use XenApp 6.5 after Citrix drops support for it in July 2016.
We understand how reliable XenApp 6.5 has been on the Windows 2008 R2 Server platform and hesitation organizations may have upgrading to XenDesktop.
With an annual contract pay as little as $349 per month for as long as you want on-going support.
Support is available Monday thru Friday 8am - 6pm Pacific excluding holidays, or 24x7 for an additional $200 monthly.
Professional User Contract
The Citrix Nerds Pro Contract is an annual subscription service costs $500 and is designed for Information Technology departments that want to have discounted flat rate billing
24 hours a day, nights, weekends and holidays to supplement their in-house Citrix skills without paying for a fulltime Citrix expert.
Virtual Worker Contract
The Citrix Nerds Virtual Worker contract is to purchase contract labor in 100 hour blocks to work fulltime for your organization on long term Citrix projects or day to day operational tasks.
Virtual contract labor is based 100% in the U.S. and can usually start as soon as the next business day.
Your virtual contractor can connect via Citrix, Remote Desktop, VPN, GoToMeeting or Logmein and is typically scheduled to work a fulltime 40 hour work week during normal business hours.
Get the expert services you need for your Citrix environment.
Daily status reports, participation in business meetings & conference calls, plus all work is fully documented. Contract labor Citrix skills are senior level.
Convenient monthly billing.
Recent Projects
Affordably priced professional services...
Azure Windows 10 Multi Session Docker Jenkins
Best of breed using Azure hosted Windows 10 Enterprise Multi Session with Docker pre-installed and configured with Jenkins.
Quickly deploy additional resources in minutes for new staff, developers and subcontracted work with outside vendors.
Labor: 100 hours
Work from Home
Citrix technology can be used to enable people to connect to company resources and work from home.
There are multiple models available, from 100% on-prem, to hybrid on-prem / cloud to all cloud.
Some of the quickest deployments which users really like is setting up a Citrix gateway and controller to connect to their physical desktop at the office.
Home users can use their home Windows PC, Apple computer, Windows laptop, Macbook or company provided Wyse, HP or 10ZiG thin clients
with two to four monitors.
Most deployments can be completed in a single day utilizing a team of highly skilled engineers that do this all the time.
Labor: 25 hours
Citrix Cloud Azure Hosted Servers for 1000 user SAP environment
Citrix Cloud tied in directly with Azure to support 1000 user SAP environment with no on premesis hardware.
Subscription based cloud based services.
Windows Servers host applications and Windows 10 VDI sessions are used for general everyday desktop use.
Machine Creation Services (MCS) was used to deploy Master images after applications had been carefully installed
and all functionality validated.
Azure network configuration, compute resources selected and fully integrated with Citrix Cloud.
Machines auto power on during high usage business hours as user load increases and power off as user load decreases during off hours
making for budget friendly consumption model.
No use paying for 100% of machines to be running if off peak usage drops to 10%.
Management was absolutely thrilled with affordability of design, build, go-live and on going support costs.
Labor: 250 hours
Disaster Recovery Emergency Backup Site in Amazon AWS
Mandatory evacuation due to wildfires by corporate headquarters made having a disaster recovery emergency backup site in Amazon AWS an
immediate business requirement.
Active Directory was deployed on a Windows 2016 server in Amazon and a powershell script was run to quickly create user accounts based on a CSV
export from a domain controller at corporate filtered for essential users based on security group membership.
Citrix XenDesktop Controllers were built and connected to newly created application servers and a front-end Netscaler.
Data was synchronized to AWS and the entire environment was operational in less than 6 hours.
While the cloud system was coming online employees were directed to an emergency location 30 miles away where folding tables were set up
and network cables were plugged in to two 24 port switches and quickly run on the floor and plugged in to previously prepared 27 inch LCD monitors
that came with a Wyse Thin Client device, keyboard, mouse and USB based VoIP phone system access.
A DHCP server was deployed which provided FTP server information for the Wyse thin clients to quickly download a configuration and get them
online in less than 30 seconds.
Cable modem Internet access with 100mbps speed worked perfectly to support several dozen call center, sales and support agents.
This was a we hope it never happens scenario, but fortunately things turned out ok.
Once employees were permitted to return to the corporate headquarters office everything was boxed up and put away in hopes it never happens again.
To be on the safe side a daily data sync with Amazon is peformed.
Citrix components are powered off so that only storage costs need to be paid for, but are kept avaialble and can be operational in less than 30 minutes.
Labor: 50 hours
Netscaler Multi-factor authentation (MFA) Security Appliance
Small software development firm with 20 users wanted multi-factor authentication but didn't want to have to pay monthly recurring fees.
Ubuntu based virtual security appliance was deployed which ties in with Active Directory to provide token based authentication for select users.
MFA eliminates 99.99% (four nines) of password breaches and using an open source security appliance saved money.
DUO charges $3 per user per month or $720 annually for 20 users and Microsoft charges $6 monthly per user or $1440 annually for 20 users.
Open source MFA works great with Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator and Authy.
Other than labor to deploy it and get users set up there is no ongoing cost.
As an added benefit MFA could now also be used with their on-premise Exchange 2016 server and Outlook Web Access by deploying AD FS and running
powershell scripts to ensure perfect configuration.
Labor: 4 hours
Onsite Security Audit for Bank
A senior engineer spent three days onsite working with the IT department gathering information for a security accessment of their Citrix environment.
Another three days were spent writing up a detailed report on the findings to present to management and thoroughly discuss.
Weaknesses which were discovered on the Netscaler included TLS1.0 and TLS1.1, several weak ciphers and a firmware version with a known critical SSL flaw.
GPO's locking down Windows were lacking and permitted command prompt access via Internet Explorer, powershell, regedit and outbound FTP server access which
could be used to copy senstive data offsite.
Most revealing was a Dark Web scan showing compromised corporate passwords.
Users had used the same passwords or minor variations of them along with their corporate email account to access outside web services that had been hacked.
Unknown to them their passwords had been sold on the Dark Web and were being used to infiltrate banking systems.
Several corporate officers passwords had been hacked because even though they may have passed password complexity requirements they were still easy to crack.
User logons were in the common format of initial of first name and last name, so doing a Who Is lookup for the domain made it easy to guess IT administrator accounts.
The security audit was eye opening and prompted them to take immediate action so they wouldn't be the next company in the news with a major hack.
Labor: 50 hours
Hospital upgrade from XenApp 6.5 to 7.11
For the last three years EPIC Hyperspace ran flawlessly on a Citrix XenApp 6.5 server farm, yet it was time to upgrade the infrastructure to the most current version.
The core infrastructure would be based on XenApp 7.11 with two delivery controllers running on Windows 2012 R2, two load balanced Storefront 3.7 servers and two Provisioning Servers.
The basic build of the environment was easy and straight forward, except there were 200 policies in XenApp that needed to be transferred to the new environment.
Doing so by hand would take a very long time and might cause errors because of typo's.
A PowerShell script was written to export the policy settings from XenApp and another script was used to import them in to the new environment.
They worked perfectly!
A master server was built with all the required applications and stored on PVS.
XenDesktop ties in beautifully with VMware and PVS ties in beautifully with the XenDesktop controller making the process of spinning up as many machines as you want simple.
For disaster recovery and business continuity purposes an independant site was built at an offsite location which is a duplicate build of the main production site.
Labor: 100 hours
Bank upgrade for 75 branch locations with 10 second logon time
Slow logons was initially why this banking customer wanted to redesign their Citrix environment and in the process decided to upgrade to the most current version of XenApp.
Logon times were taking 60-90 seconds and tellers hated using Citrix.
Some tools were deployed to figure out why and once the problems were corrected, tellers could logon and launch the banking application in 10 seconds.
For regulatory purposes each branch was assigned a pool of servers, yet the IP based access filter which existed in XenApp 6.5 no longer existed in 7.9
and a very sophisticated PowerShell script had to be written to customize the configuration for Delivery Groups.
Labor: 250 hours
Accounting firm implements Citrix to grow business
An accounting firm with very promininent customers was struggling to keep up with the workload and CPA's were getting burned out working long hours.
Citrix techology was implemented to help grow their business by hiring dozens of CPA's to work from a newly established Midwest office
where labor rates and housing costs were much more affordable versus major cities.
Due to the prestige of this firm and their reputation, they didn't want to use an offshore service where English wasn't the native spoken language.
Revenue has increased dramatically and so has profitablity.
XenApp 7.9 with an entire suite of accounting applications hosted on Windows Server 2012 R2 VM's was the initial build, which has recently been upgraded to 7.11.
Cisco B200 blade servers with lots of RAM and CPU's attached to plenty of fast disk storage run VMware and Machine Creation Services (MCS) is used for image management.
Dual Netscaler's running the 11.1 firmware are in a high availability (HA) configuration on a 100mbps fiber connection at their main office building in a major city.
With easy access to client information from the office, home and mobile devices being more responsive to customer inquires makes their VIP customers feel
especially well taken care of.
Labor: 50 hours
School District 1000 Student Google Chrome Thin Clients
Design, build and support Citrix XenApp 6.5 environment for 1000 student school district.
Cisco UCS hardware running VMware 5.5, Citrix XenApp 6.5 running on Windows 2008 R2 delivered via PVS
to Thin client devices using Published Google Chrome application for K-12 day to day activities
and State testing.
Remote work except for one week onsite labor to install servers in racks and do initial VMware
installation plus train IT staff in how to configure Thin Client devices for future deployment
to classrooms and labs.
Created large database containing MAC addresses of all thin client devices and their locations for
application delivery management purposes.
Customer had originally been sold Windows 7 Desktop's from other vendor but XenApp 6.5 was used on
Windows 2008 R2 because of substantial savings in hardware resources, such as disk, vCPU and RAM.
XenApp 6.5 being a server based VDI solution can economically deliver Citrix resources using less
than 30% of hardware versus Windows 7 desktop operating system.
Labor: 500 hours
Major Insurance company 500 user call center
Contracted to upgrade legacy Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 Windows 2003 R2 x86 32bit environment
running Facets application from Trizetto to x64 bit running on Windows 2008 R2 with XenApp 6.5.
Large project that'd already been one year behind schedule when we came onboard due to in house IT
staff not being able to assign a dedicated resource to it.
First two months were spent figuring out how their current production environment was built using
severly outdated documentation.
Weekly status meetings were held with IT department mangers and directors as design strategy was
developed over 6 week timeframe.
Master application server image was built and extensively tested with key users from existing call center.
Additional hardware resources were purchased, deployed and prepped for OS installation.
Plans to use an offshore call center in the Philippines were scrapped after cost benefits analysis
concluded a US based call center would be more economically viable and provide better customer service.
Two call centers with 250 employees each were opened, with one being in Nevada and the other being
in Missouri.
Additional MPLS data circuits with 10mbps each were added to connect call centers to main company
Printing was extensively tested as main printer has over a dozen paper trays with different letterhead
for various types of customer response mailings.
Training for the new version of Facets was conducted by internal application staff educators.
Major advances in application includes using CallerID to pull up customer information before agent
comes online to assist customer.
Budget had been set for $1 million for entire project and upper management saw this as a major
success by only going over by $20,000.
Labor: 1000 hours
Online retail business supply chain optimization
Business was booming and it was time to upgrade product supply system and to improve efficiency.
Online orders were coming in by the hundreds every day and the manual approach of cutting and pasting
from an order confirmation email to the accounting system was really slowing things down and
inventory wasn't always accurate.
Realtime XML interface was built to get online web orders in the accounting system without
using a manual process and packing slips were printed at one of two warehouses using geographical
shipping location proximity so deliveries arrive next day or 2nd day in most instances using regular
ground shipping services in same delivery zone or one close by.
The remote sales team travels the country and visits stores that sell these products and uses Citrix
to manage orders and track shipments.
Components used for this build are Windows 7 desktops delivered via XenDesktop 7.11 (previously 7.8)
to sales team and management laptops, shipping department PC's and home computers.
Machine Creation Services (MCS) is used to manage desktop image versions and accounting application
access to database.
Netscaler VPX is configured with Full SHA256 SSL and Poodle and TLS vulnerabilities are turned off so A-
rating is given using online SSL scanning tools.
The customer wanted to use a local CoLocation provider which gave them a full rack with power and Internet for
$600 monthly to house their servers.
The customer is a Dell shop and wanted to use Dell hardware, so three R720 servers were spec'd out with
128gb RAM each, Dual CPU / Quad Core and connected to a 4TB SAN storage appliance.
Microsoft Hyper-V was used as the hypervisor, Windows 2012 R2 for the XenDesktop Controller / Storefront
Server and Windows 7 Enterprise VM's were configured with 50gb C: Drive, 2 vCPU's and 4gb RAM.
50 concurrent users are supported with this environment, with a minimum of two physical hosts running and
the third being there for fault tolerance.
Labor: 10 hours
ProLaw Cloud Based Hosted Application
An established and profitable law firm with thirty lawyers, paralegals and administrative staff working for it was having challenges staying organized
because some older files were still stored in filing cabinets, while others were stored on a file server and still others were on user workstations with
no centralized system to manage everything and that's not to mention tying everything in with billable hours.
After reading about ProLaw in a trade magazine a decision was made to modernize their practice and make everything available on the Internet.
Summary: Dual HP Proliant DL380 G6 servers with 96gb RAM and 4TB RAID5 SSD based storage running VMware 6.5 for the hypervisor and using a VMware essentials license.
Physical host #1 used for core infrasturcture with a Windows Server 2012 R2 Domain Controller, Windows Server 2012 R2 SQL Server, Windows Server 2012 R2 XenDesktop 7.11
controller with Storefront, Netscaler VPX 50 and NAKIVO with backup first to local storage and then to Amazon EC2 cloud backup.
Physical host #2 used for two Application (APP) Servers running ProLaw and MS-Office 2016 on Windows 2012 R2 servers with 250gb C: Drive, 48gb RAM and 2 vCPU's.
Client workstations are typical Windows 7, Windows 10 and MAC Sierra and Yosemite OS.
Hardware and software costs with servers located in a coLocation provider were around $20k, plus ProLaw license costs.
Some research was conducted prior with consideration of using a service provider, but at monthly costs in excess of $5,000 the decision was made to
outright own everything.
Work was completed in less than a week and now they wonder how they ever managed to live without it.
Labor: 20 hours
EU Headquarters XenApp 6.5 single Server
This customer wanted a very economical Citrix set up for their European Headquarters office.
Netherlands based WorldStream provided a VMware ESXi 6.0 host for €30/monthly with 16gb RAM and 500gb disk storage on a Dell PowerEdge T110.
Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 server license cost $700, 10 RDS CAL's cost $1100, 10 Citrix Advanced Licenses cost $2800,
RapidSSL 2 year SSL certficate $30 and labor $300 - Total cost $4930.
Software: XenApp 6.5, R07 Rollup Hotfix, SQL Express, Web Interface 5.4, CSG 3.3.3, Citrix Receiver 4.5.
Windows server was installed as a single server in a workgroup.
Approximate per user monthly cost over 2 year period of time is user $25.
Math: $4930 divided by 10 users ($493) divided by 24 months ($20.54) plus $35 hosting divided by 10 users ($3.50) is $24.01.
Access from Windows based laptops, Macbooks, iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
This configuration doesn't necessarily need to be used for EU users as it can be used just as well by users in North America.
Scale up by adding a second VMware ESXi 6.0 host for €30/monthly with 16gb RAM and 500gb disk storage on a Dell PowerEdge T110
to incorporate an Active Directory domain controller ($700 Microsoft license), Netscaler Access Gateway ($1000 Citrix license) and
Storefront server ($30 SSL Certificate), plus $250 labor for $1980 more.
Labor: 2 hours