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Citrix Nerds Support Contracts
Premium Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Premium Support contract costs $6000 annually and includes 25 hours of labor, with a 4 hour service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed at a rate of $150 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on the standard 800 support number that will route their call to a premium support engineer.
This contract is available for organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement.
Unlimited Premium Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Unlimited Premium Support contract includes 24x7 support with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA).
The contract costs $1000 monthly and requires a one year minimum commitment.
The startup cost is $995 and includes a system audit and installation of monitoring software.
If the system audit reveals a sub-standard environment then the customer will be required to perform remediation
or have those components excluded from support.
Design and build services, including remediation of outdated Citrix components are outside the scope of this contract and billable at a rate of
$200 per hour and invoiced monthly on NET 30 terms.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on a special 800 support number that will route their call to a premium support engineer.
This contract is available for organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement and do not want a limit on the amount of support
hours available annually.
Supported Products are Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.15+, Netscaler 12+, Storefront 3.15+, Provisioning Server (PVS) 7.15+, Machine Creation Services (MCS),
VDI on Windows 10, Server Hosted Desktops and Published Applications on Windows 2012 R2 & 2016.
Enterprise Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Enterprise Support contract costs $34,995 annually or $3000 monthly with a one year commitment after a $995 startup cost and includes 100 hours of labor,
with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Reasonably priced at a cost of under $100 per day.
Unlike typical break/fix support contracts, this contract also includes design and build services so you can add additional infrastructure or create new/upgraded infrastructure.
Additional labor is billed monthly at a rate of $250 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on a special 800 support number that will route their call to an enterprise class level support engineer.
This contract is available for organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement and want the highest reliability possible.
Enterprise customers receive a complimentary annual technology review and briefing targeted at senior engineers and managers,
highlighting industry trends for the adoption and implementation of new technology best suited to their business requirements.
Supported Products are Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.x, Netscaler, Storefront, Provisioning Server (PVS), Machine Creation Services (MCS),
VDI with Windows 10 and Windows 11, Server Hosted VDI on Windows 2008 R2 & 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, License Server and XenDesktop Director.
Legacy support for XenApp 6.5, 6.0, 5.0, Presentation Server 4.5, 4.0, 3.0, Metaframe XP, Web Interface 5.4, Citrix Secure Gateway (CSG & CAG) and Citrix XenApp Fundamentals
running on Windows Server 2003 R2 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
This contract is available at a discount for resale to IT services firms that want market it to their customers as a service they offer.
IT Services Firm Subscription
The Citrix Nerds IT Services Firm annual subscription service costs $1000 and is designed for Information Technology services firms that want to have discounted flat rate billing
24 hours a day, nights, weekends and holidays to supplement their in-house Citrix skills without paying for a fulltime Citrix expert.
Healthcare Premium Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Healthcare Premium Support contract costs $7995 annually and includes 25 hours of labor, with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed at a rate of $150 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on the standard 800 support number that will route their call to a premium support engineer specializing in healthcare.
This contract is available for healthcare organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement
and want the added touch of working with someone with a healthcare background and familiar with HIPAA requirements.
Accounting Premium Enhanced Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Accounting Premium Enhanced Support contract costs $12,995 annually and includes 50 hours of labor, with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed at a rate of $150 per hour.
Enhanced services include assistance with installation of accounting applications, such as Lacerte, CCH, SurePrep, Quicken and others commonly used by accounting firms.
Accounting firms commonly pay $20,000 or more annually for the current years software subscription, so it makes sense to add on specialized support services so your staff
can work remotely during the busy tax season.
Offices with 10 or more users can benefit greatly with this reasonably priced enchanced support contract.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on the standard 800 support number that will route their call to a premium support engineer specializing in accounting.
This contract is available for accounting organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement
and want the added touch of working with someone with an accounting applications background and familiar with their special requirements.
ProLaw Cloud Hosting & Remote Access Law Firm Premium Enhanced Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Law Firm Premium Enhanced Support contract costs $17,995 annually and includes 50 hours of labor, with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed at a rate of $150 per hour.
Enhanced services include assistance with the installation of ProLaw to a cloud based sytem or migration from an existing in-house ProLaw system to one that's remotely accessible.
Applications such as Sage Timeslips and others commonly used by law firms are also supported.
Additionally, you can also connect directly to your desktop remotely using Citrix XenDesktop.
Keeping track of billable hours and having all client related items in a single and easily accessible location, whether in the office or out of the office
let's your staff focus on profitablity for the firm.
Enabling your staff to work remotely can be an advantage during crunch time and get nessessary work preparation done from the convenience of home.
Offices with 10-50 users can benefit greatly with this reasonably priced enchanced support contract.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on the standard 800 support number that will route their call to a premium support engineer specializing in legal services.
This contract is available for law firms that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement
and want the added touch of working with someone with a legal applications background and familiar with their special requirements.
Legacy Systems Enterprise Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Legacy Systems Enterprise Support Contract costs $29,995 annually or $2500 monthly with a one year commitment after a $995 startup cost and includes 100 hours of labor,
with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed monthly at a rate of $200 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on a special 800 support number that will route their call to a legacy systems enterprise class level support engineer.
A significant annual investment is made to keep our legacy systems engineers technologically proficient with older and obsolete systems in use by customers.
Some customers are still happily live with Windows 2003 R2 and Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 utilizing our support services, which basically no one else in the industry
is willing to provide.
Costs for legacy systems support by Citrix Nerds for products still available for extended support from Citrix is 1/10th or less their cost.
If possible, some frontend legacy infrastructure will be upgraded to be accessible from newer client devices requiring SSL SHA256 and current Citrix Receiver software.
This contract is available for organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement and want the highest reliability possible.
Legacy support for XenApp 6.5, 6.0, 5.0, Presentation Server 4.5, 4.0, 3.0, Metaframe XP, Web Interface 5.4, Citrix Secure Gateway (CSG, CAG & Netscaler) and Citrix XenApp Fundamentals
running on Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Construction Enterprise Deluxe Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Construction Enterprise Deluxe Support contract costs $49,995 annually or $4000 monthly with a one year commitment after a $1,995 startup cost and includes 100 hours of labor,
with a 2 hour Rapid Response service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Reasonably priced at a cost of under $140 per day or less than $6 per hour annually, which compared to downtime costs during a major project is virtually nothing.
This Deluxe support contract is tailored specifically for Construction companies with some remote users working directly from job sites rebuilding infrastructure
such as highways, bridges and tunnels or building new infrastruture.
Some of these areas may not have high speed cellular data services available or even require satellite access, making support more challenging than normal home office users.
This contract also includes assisting with the entire Citrix infrastructure design and build, possibly utilizing a CoLocation provider with a half rack or more of servers.
Additional labor is billed monthly at a rate of $250 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on a special 800 support number that will route their call to an enterprise class level support engineer.
Direct engineer access is also available via Iridium Satellite phone, Secure Voice & Messaging using Signal or WhatsApp.
This contract is available for organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement and want the highest reliability possible.
Supported Products are Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp 7.x, Netscaler, Storefront, Provisioning Server (PVS), Machine Creation Services (MCS),
VDI with Windows 7, 8 & 10, Server Hosted VDI on Windows 2008 R2 & 2012 R2, License Server, XenDesktop Director, EdgeSight.
Legacy support for XenApp 6.5, 6.0, 5.0, Presentation Server 4.5, 4.0, 3.0, Metaframe XP, Web Interface 5.4, Citrix Secure Gateway (CSG & CAG) and Citrix XenApp Fundamentals
running on Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.
Education K12 Premium Support Contract
The Citrix Nerds Education K12 Premium Support contract costs $4995 annually and includes 25 hours of labor, with a 4 hour service level agreement (SLA) and 24x7 support.
Additional labor is billed at a rate of $150 per hour.
Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on the standard 800 support number that will route their call to a premium support engineer specializing in K12 education.
This contract is available for K12 educational organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement
and prefer working with someone with an understanding of K12 specific requirements.
XenApp 6.5 Extended Support Contract After End of Life
The Citrix Nerds XenApp 6.5 Extended Support contract is for organizations which intend to continue to use XenApp 6.5 after Citrix drops support for it in July 2016.
We understand how reliable XenApp 6.5 has been on the Windows 2008 R2 Server platform and hesitation organizations may have upgrading to XenDesktop.
With an annual contract pay as little as $349 per month for as long as you want on-going support.
Support is available Monday thru Friday 8am - 6pm Pacific excluding holidays, or 24x7 for an additional $200 monthly.
Turnkey Fully Managed Contract
The Citrix Nerds Turnkey Fully Managed Support contract costs $24,995 annually and includes 100 hours of labor, with a 4 hour service level agreement (SLA),
24x7 support, monitoring, management and build services.
Additional labor is billed monthly at a rate of $150 per hour. Contracted clients are provided with a private extension on the standard 800 support number
that will route their call to an enterprise class level support engineer.
This contract is available for organizations that require a contracted/guaranteed service level agreement and/or that want to save money by not hiring a fulltime Citrix administrator.
Managed support customers receive full-time monitoring of their Citrix environment with monthly utilization reports.
The entire Citrix XenDesktop / XenApp environment is managed by a team of highly skilled Citrix Nerds engineers that take care of everything Citrix related to keep the environment
running flawlessly.
This includes applying recommended Citrix updates and performing product upgrades. As a bonus feature, build services are included, meaning if you want to add additional resources
such as new servers or virutal workstations, this will be done as part of your contract.
We consider this to be our turnkey solution for medium sized Citrix customers that want a reliable environment, but would rather do it as a paid for service than maintain it themselves.
Monthly Managed Services Contract
The Citrix Nerds Monthly Managed Services contract provides cost effective Citrix services starting at $4,000 monthly to augment or replace fulltime staff costing $50,000 - $80,000+ annually.
This service is for medium sized organizations that prefer a fixed monthly cost rather than hiring fulltime staff or to augment fulltime staff with a contracted Citrix expert.
The service contract includes up to 20 hours labor per month to do with as you like.
Imagine a top level Citrix engineer that's basically part of your staff that takes care of day-to-day Citrix operational tasks or new infrasturcture build outs.
Minimally a 12 month contract is required, which you are billed for on a monthly basis on NET 30 terms and after a year the service goes to a month to month basis until either
party terminates the agreement.
Un-used hours cannot be rolled over to the next month unless previously agreed upon for a big project build so there is no cost over run.
$200 per hour may seem expensive, but you get what you pay for and you get the highest level enterprise engineer to work with you that'll know your environment inside out.
A remote desktop connection either using Citrix, VPN or LogMeIn will be used to access a management PC to work from as if onsite.
Professional User Contract
The Citrix Nerds Pro Contract is an annual subscription service costs $1000 and is designed for Information Technology departments that want to have discounted flat rate billing
24 hours a day, nights, weekends and holidays to supplement their in-house Citrix skills without paying for a fulltime Citrix expert.
Virtual Worker Contract
The Citrix Nerds Virtual Worker contract is to purchase contract labor in 100 hour blocks to work fulltime for your organization on long term Citrix projects or day to day operational tasks.
Virtual contract labor is based 100% in the U.S. and can usually start as soon as the next business day.
Your virtual contractor can connect via Citrix, Remote Desktop, VPN, GoToMeeting or Logmein and is typically scheduled to work a fulltime 40 hour work week during normal business hours.
Get the expert services you need for your Citrix environment.
Daily status reports, participation in business meetings & conference calls, plus all work is fully documented. Contract labor Citrix skills are senior level.
Convenient monthly billing.