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Installation Documentation
Netscaler Setup and Configuration
2. VMware console set IP (, Subnet ( and Gateway ( and press 4 to save configuration
3. Login as nsroot and do show ip
4. Open browser to Netscaler Management IP on
5. Set SNIP to, hostname = ns, dns =, time = los angeles - do not reboot
6. Browse to install Netscaler license file
7. VMware console type save config and then type reboot
8. After reboot on VMware console login and type sh ip to confirm IP is and sh license to verify Model is not 1 (No valid license installed)
9. Open browser to Netscaler Management IP on and login as nsroot using the default password of nsroot
10. Start Netscaler for XenApp and XenDesktop Wizard
11. Select Storefront and click continue, Gateway FQDN = citrix.mycorp.com, Gateway IP =, Port = 443, Checked - Redirect requests from port 80 to secure port, Enable LB feature, Browse Local for PFX of SSL cert, enter password = test1 (used for example), continue
12. LDAP: ip = (IP of Active Directory Domain Controller), port = 389, Base DN = dc=domain,dc=com, service account = administrator@domain.com, Password = XXXXXXXX, Confirm Password = XXXXXXXX and click Test connection to verify, Leave Time-out = 3 second and Server Logon Name Attribute = sAMAccountName, continue
13. Storefront: StoreFront URL = (IP of Storefront Server), click retrieve stores, Receiver for Web Path = /Citrix/StoreWeb (default), Default Active Directory Domain = domain.com, Secure Ticket Authority = (IP of Delivery Controller) and click continue
14. Click Done to save Config (twice) until it displays Warning - The running configuration has not changed
15. Click Dashboard and then Configuration Tab
16. Intermediate & Root SSL: Traffic Management, SSL, Certificates, CA Certificates, Install, Name = Root, Browse Local, Install, Install, Name = Intermediate, Browse Local, Install, check Intermediate and Action Link to Root, Click Server Certificates, select citrix.mycorp.com SSL and Action Link to Intermediate, OK
17. SAVE Configuration and test logon using Portal to confirm handshake to Storefront and application launches
18. Backup: nsconfig = ns.conf, license file, SSL folder using WinSCP
Citrix Web Interface / Published Applications
1. Access Gateway, Published applications wizard, virtual server: citrix.mycorp.com,
web interface address:, single sign-on domain: domain.com,
Secure Ticket Authority: Add STA:,
Policy - Skip and click Next, Finish, Exit
2. Citrix Web Interface Server:
Authentication Method Secure Gateway -- https://citrix.mycorp.com/CitrixAuthService/AuthService.asmx
Secure Access: Gateway Direct, gateway: citrix.mycorp.com, STA: